Friday, 21 May 2010

who said so?

Who said that Master Degree doesn't have difficulty applying job?

Who said that Master Degree will have special treatment?

Huyuhhhhhhh nangihnangihnangihnangihnangihnangihnangihnangihnangihnangihnangihnangih

No matter your degree, in Indonesian outsource is everywhere....

Its sucks thought...

You have bargaining power but still can't use it because outsource sighsighsighsighsighsigh

People around me said almost said and react the same thing. they said : Loh doesn't master degree easily find the job? easily find the job quickly? gilegilegilegile

Like Agnes Monica said : Ngomong sama tembok pokpok sighsetan

Based on my experiences : Finding a job it so damn hard...

Even thought i already have the right equipment but still i just can't use it...


belum saatnya aja kali ya peacepeacepeacepeace