Tuesday 30 November 2010

I miss US

I miss the old us which we can share our beautiful story

Back then when we use to share our moment together, our laughter, our joys, our happiness, our sorrow

I miss the old us which we can have our quality times

Not trying to complain or anything, but I really really miss the old us

Back then we used to shared our story.

We live each other days and at the end of the day, without hesitate we share our story

You share your story and I share my story

You listen my whole story (even that story doesn't mean anything), I listen your story

But today, I felt it only had one way (by all means you shared your story and I am only the listener)

If I tell you my story, at first I notice that you listened but then somehow you cut my story and then tell your story

Forgive me, if I am being such an over doze sensitive and being such a bitch drama queen but that's how I felt about us

I really miss the old us, the old you, our moments, our quality time together

I miss you 

Monday 29 November 2010

Setahun kemarin

Judulnya menyesatkan hati :p

Bukan juga karena baru denger lagunya kahitna yg setahun kemarin juga :p

Setahun yang lalu bangkit dengan segala daya dan upaya yang ada mencoba menyelesaikan tugas akhir


Tugas akhir akhirnya selesai sebelum waktu wisuda :p

23 desember 2009 hari sidang akhir :p

Sidang akhir yang sangat mendebarkan jantung

Lega sampai akhirnya tugas akhir selesai meski ada revisi disana dan disini

But I finally finish it even some people think I won't finish it on time

But I did it

The same thing will happen on my work situation, although I am still crawl from the very beginning.

I learned to walk when everyone already run and some of them already know how to fly

I believe that my time to fly are soon to come

Its just a matter of time

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Lidah tak bertulang

Pepatah bilang lidah tak bertulang

Wisdom word by dika : lidah memang tak bertulang bukan berarti bisa mengumbar sembarang kata. Mulutmu harimaumu. Apa yang ucapkan mencerminkan karaktermu.

Bukan maksud apa-apa sebenarnya.

Sebenarnya sudah sejak lama agak 'risih' dengan profile salah seorang teman komunitas *identitas wajib disamarkan*

Beliau (karna kebetulan lebih tua beliau dari saya) dan sebetulnya tidak pernah ada masalah yang bisa cukup dijadikan alasan untuk memblokir beliau.

Tapi tadi siang agak sedikit kaget membaca status beliau yang cukup sengit tentang kejadian di sekelilingnya tapi entah mengapa saya melihat beliau lebih memfokuskan ke aksesoris keagamaan *huff*

Saya mencoba berbaik sangka bahwa beliau tidak akan memperpanjang masalah tersebut tapi ternyata setelah saya memposting komen di statusnya ternyata nada sengit itu makin menjadi.

Khawatir menjadi debat kusir yang tak perlu dan terlebih saya tak ingin menambah daftar panjang musuh *ups maksudnya daftar panjang orang2 yang saya lebih suka tak berurusan dengan mereka karena satu dan lain hal*

Jadilah saya report beliau di FB dan kemudian saya remove :)

Maaf ya sebelumnya.

Daripada saya sendiri yang sengit dan jadi debat kusir tidak penting jadi anda saya remove

Afwan :) 

Friday 26 November 2010

Nyari Gara-Gara

To be honest, i am not the kinda people who pissed easily or high temper with somebody behavior but if somebody mess around with me, he/she is messing around with wrong people.

I know this kinda freak people from his freak friend that happen to be my special guy in the past (halah mo bilang dia temennya mantan gw aja ribet)

I know him since 2001 until now but never met him in person, even thought back then he often ask me to meet in person but somehow i always said NO with different excuse

Until a few month before he get married, he get some weird attitude and i personally hate it so i do my own way to make him stop doing that weird attitude but that results something : He pissed with me because my word and i am so damn angry with him so i dare him to REMOVE ME from Blackberry Messenger  and Facebook but somehow i still see him in my Blackberry Messenger.

I knew his marriage will be held in November in his wife hometown and i see him upload in Face book so i write some congratulation word to him (only in the name of friendship that we once have), but after doing some quick observe, i notice that he reply all comments from his friend but not Me. He is just IGNORE my comment.




I take a quick act to REMOVE MY COMMENT and then go straight to HIS PROFILE and then I BLOCK HIM from MY Facebook 

I take My Mobile to BLOCK HIM on my BBM







Tuesday 23 November 2010

Ternyata eh Ternyata

Life is so full of surprise (damn that word was so damn right)

Today at the office, i received an A+ CV (how come its not an A+, he is a Bachelor Degree graduate from Universitas Diponegoro with Great GPA, an also a Master Degree from Semarang University)

Somehow i feel intimidate by his qualification and i should interview that candidate? *Huaaaaaa screaming to the max*

Who am I? How could people with less experience like me interview an A+ Candidate?

Feel intimidate by him already, so i am asking for my supervisors to interview him but they convince me that i should do the interview.

They convince me to believe in my strength.

If you have that skill just believe in yourself that you can do it. 

Don't feel afraid with other people just because they have an A+ skills 

Well i took their advice to interview that candidate and you know what.

I came to that interview room with some nerve that i feel in my body but then again life has so many surprise

Before the interview session, i told him to run a computer test and then the interview test.

Before the interview begin he already told me that he had a passive English *eng i eng*

So much for an A+ CV *ndak menjamin*

I wrote this story with any tendentious just want to share my opinion :P

So Much For Certificate :P

Sunday 14 November 2010

Goodbye Dini

Memang bener Hadist yang bilang kalau Jodoh, Rezeki, Maut itu ditangan Allah swt.

Tidak ada yang pernah bisa memprediksikan atau menentukan kapan jodoh, rezeki seseorang.

Pertama kali kenal sama dini itu pas gathering FUPEI di Metropolitan Mall itu sekitar tahun 2006 akhir atau tahun 2007

Memang jarang ngobrol panjang lebar di YM atau bahkan ngobrol dari hati ke hati.

Makanya kemarin sekitar bulan Mei 2010 begitu dapat kabar dia didiagnosa LEUKIMIA. 

Kaget binti shock banget banget berharap itu adalah kekeliruan diagnosa sang dokter.

Baru tanggal 30 Oktober kemarin menjenguk dini di RSCM, pas dilihat dari ruang kaca dini hanya tersenyum bahkan sempat melambaikan tangan lalu kemudian tertidur kembali 

Kaget ketika 14 November 2010 tiba-tiba dapat kabar mengejutkan tentang Dini

Beliau berpulang ke rahmatullah 14 NOVEMBER 2010 jam 10.00 WIB

Dikarenakan hari sabtu dompet tertinggal di laci kantor jadi begitu selesai ujian ke kantor dulu baru ke RSCM jadi ngga bisa lihat saat saat terakhir beliau


Ya Allah, tolong titip sahabatku disana. 

Maafkan dika yang ngga bisa lihat saat-saat terakhir dini,



Saturday 13 November 2010

Now i know why

I wrote this story only to express what i feel inside not because i still have the same feeling for that guy

My story and this person is ended long time ago (October 2009 if i am not mistaken)

Its not because i want to bring this whole forbidden topic again but i guess i was wrong back then

I think he was sincere with me but then again i was wrong all along *poor me*

How come someone said all those sweet, lovable, memorable things but he just don't wanna fight for it? 

He was the one who told me it was impossible and i had to leave for my own good and now i know why

Now i know whats the reason why he is always push me away? 

Why he telling all those sweet stuff but then again he doesn't want to fight for it?

I've still remember what he said to me earlier, he said that marriage is the last thing he would do for now, back then i couldn't do anything about it

Until i received a shocking message from him that said : Sorry, i was married now, i knew what ur felling because be4 if felt that. thanks 4 all that u give be4, n sorry 4 all hurt i make 2 u. Bye Andi.Whatever the situation now, you still in my heart because i love you, once again thanks for all. bye andi and good luck 4 all in ur life.

What the hell was that? 

I remember back then he told me that marriage its his last priority but now its just BULLSHIT

All i can say just congratulation and happy wedding

Now i know the reason why you don't want to make our relationship go any further because i was never mean anything to you. I am only the spare tire and that all i can have.