Yeah, lately I am have a mix feeling about everything that happens in my life.
Mixed between Happy, sad, angry, confuse, exhausted, tired, feed up mostly about everything
Last night after a decent amount conversation through video call with my drop dead gorgeous fiancé, decided to rest my head on my bolster.
I don't want to tell him what's going on not because I don't trust him enough with this issues, but I don't want to burden him with this "challenging issue" so I decided to pour my emotion out in my bolster and pretend it was him.
I know that he would do anything in his power to help me out, but this time I am not gonna tell him this "challenging issues". Having him around is a really blessing in my life
Yeah I realized that I am wacko because I often talking with myself. Well since I am not hurting anyone else let alone myself, I don't really care what people said about me.
I know exactly what I need right. All I need is HIM and A BIG HUG
I don't know how much longer to bear this situation, but I really need to be strong for everyone sake.
But how about my sake? My sanity ?
I really need me time for a while...