Come on dika
Wake up
What's got in to you?
Surely he doesn't really care about you anymore. If he still care for you, he won't be doing this to you.
Are you seriously want to wait around and see to see if he will come to sense.
Eventually he will apologize and said something about let start over again.
Apparently he is already move on. He already decided that he won't be needed me in his life
Sadly and irony as it's sounds, he is my happiness. He is the reason i start believe in love again. He was my world. He means the world to me.
What else do you wait?
Do you seriously believe that some miracle would happen in this situation?
He is just some stupid jerk who thinks that he will find someone better than me.
He is just some stupid jerk who thinks that whoever stand beside me, was blind sided and already influenced by me.
What else am i waiting for?
I am done with love.
I am so done with love.
Maybe we're not destined to grow old together
Maybe we need to spend some time alone to think about everything (about the past, now and the future)
Maybe after some time to think alone, then we can make a good decision about our life.
Thousands maybe came across my mind and my heart.
I am so done with maybe, love.
I am so done with love
I am so done with it
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