the longer you know people there is possibility you know a lot of thing about that person....
This is not about love story but its about friendship thing....
This is a story about one of my very best friend. I've known her since college at 2002 *kalo ndak salah*
but we become best friend since 2004 after that huge hurricane friendship that happen to me...
I think i've known all about her *her profile, character, and everything* besides that we've had something in common that makes ur friendship becomes more special....
but nowadays since we are so damn busy so we haven't meet yet and i was clueless about her...
Tadinya kupikir semakin lama ikatan persahabatan aku makin mengerti tentang sahabatku satu ini tapi ternyata salah karena ternyata saat ini aku bahkan tak lagi punya secuil petunjuk tentang dia...
Maaf selama rentang waktu yang ada dan akan terus berjalan, aku belum bisa menjadi sahabat yang baik bagimu yang bisa menemanimu dikala suka dan duka yang kerap datang dalam hidupmu.....
Mungkin kau masih ingat definisi naifku tentang persahabatan... Its all about take and give to each other...
I don't feel that anymore from our friendship....
I'd always thought its because u don't want to make me more stress because you know that so many things that i need to work on.... *thats what u said*
But something pop ups in my heart that's not the real reason u gave to me.
Is it because that you don't trust me anymore?
Is it because that you've become bored enough with the whole friendship thing?
Well you might say i exaggerate everything but that's true and that's what i feel right now...
And this thing is happen again for the seconds time *well you probably don't remember the first time*
Jadi bingung sebenarnya apa makna persahabatan kita dari sudut pandangmu.
If you though that it'll be there for you only at good times, you are so wrong....
For me, friendship is all about take and give and be there for my best friend for good times and bad times...
*maaf kalo bahasa yg ditulis terlalu berlebihan tapi itu semua yang kurasa saat ini*
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