Monday, 19 April 2021

We're getting back together ? really?

Honestly i had know idea what's US right now? 

Its started on March 12, 2021 when he suddenly text me on WhatsApp asking if i am still saying no to his request ?

At that time, I didn't reply back since I thought there's nothing to discuss and I thought he is not gonna call me back after 1.5 month we're not talking at all

Didn't know what it was, a break up or it's simply a break from each other. As far as I know that he decided to end it because we didn't have the same vision for the future and the fact that we're not talking to each other for 46 days makes me a little confuse and wondering why he suddenly text me back after 25 January 2021

Well, honestly I thought the text from him isn't that serious. I mean how could you text someone just like that without even bother to ask your condition first and just said what you wanted say. 

Well I am doing the most rational thing to do, just ignore his text for a week. First I really didn't know what's left to said. Obviously even thought I do still love him but clearly I won't beg and ask him to come back. HELL NO..

Until 21 March 2021, out of nowhere he called through WhatsApp and I didn't want to talk so I am just ignore the call and then he text to my other WhatsApp, which I ignore as well.

Then he called through Google Duo at 23 March 2021, which he call 3 times a day during that day : 7.08PM (3.08PM in Riyadh) which last 20:55 minutes, 8.09PM (4.09PM in Riyadh) which last 34:42 minutes, 10.52PM (6.52PM in Riyadh) which last 35:46 minutes.

Well after that, he called constantly since that day. 

After that day, we've talk a lot, I've told him what I am feeling after I've told him about my answer to his request and he didn't want to hear my explanation or reason and just saying I wish u the very best & good luck 

Told him that I didn't answer his call on 21 March 2021 because I didn't have anything to talk about with him and after hearing those word from him it's really broke my heart into pieces

I told him exactly what I am feeling after those day. How upset I am towards him and everything else. I don't hold back any information from him. 

He genuinely asking apology and said if there's anything he could do to make things back before 46 days.

I didn't answer it right away because I don't want to expect anything from him, specially I can't afford to deal another heart break again 

Well since 23 March 2021, we're back together again. At least we're back to our normal routine.

Well for all I know, he is really change and he is really thoughtful about what I felt and everything.

If everything goes smoothly, Insha Allah we're gonna get married this YEAR

 إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ‎,