Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Hiperplasia Endometrium

After married for 7 months, i decided to visit Dokter Spesialis Kandungan dan Kebidanan. After consults and USG for a while, the doctor told me that i had Hiperplasia Endometrium. What the hell was that?

The doctor explain everything to me and give me a lot of medicine for me. The medicine are to stop the period, and after that stop and my next period are coming, that time i have to visit the docter again.

After went home and tell hubby every single detail the doctor tell me, we decided not to tell my parents because by the end of the month, they will go for UMROH that's why we'll keep it to ourself and tell them when we're home after UMROH.

I browse on the web about Hiperplasia Endometrium. Here's what i found about Hiperplasia Endometrium. 


Gejala penebalan dinding rahim atau hiperplasia endometrium ini biasanya diawali dengan siklus menstruasi yang tidak teratur, bahkan terkadang menstruasi tak kunjung datang dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Bisa juga menstruasi terjadi terus-menerus dan volume darah banyak. Selain itu, penderita Hiperplasia endometrium sering menemukan noda-noda darah di pakaian dalam.

Jika dibiarkan berlarut-larut akan muncul gangguan sakit kepala, mudah lelah, serta tidak bergairah saat beraktivitas. Dampak yang paling parah, selain sulit hamil, penderita Hiperplasia endometrium mengalami anemia berat. Hubungan suami-istri pun terganggu karena perdarahan tak kunjung berhenti. 

Penebalan lapisan dinding dalam rahim dapat terjadi karena peningkatan kadar hormon estrogen. Peningkatan estrogen dipicu oleh pertumbuhan kista. Pada kasus lain, penebalan dinding rahim juga terjadi karena faktor ketidakseimbangan hormonal, ketika peningkatan hormon estrogen tak diimbangi oleh peningkatan progesteron.

Kondisi ini juga biasanya dialami oleh wanita yang bertubuh gemuk karena produksi estrogennya berlebihan. Hiperplasia endometrium dapat dialami siapa pun, baik perempuan yang telah melahirkan ataupun belum.

Terjadinya penebalan dinding rahim biasanya hanya bisa diketahui oleh dokter setelah melakukan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi (USG). Namun untuk memastikannya perlu dilakukan kuratase.
Hasil kuretan dinding rahim akan dikirim ke bagian patologi anatomi untuk didiagnosa.
Berdasarkan kajian medis, penebalan dinding rahim ini dibedakan menjadi 3 kategori:
  • Simplek. Penderita dengan kondisi ini tak perlu cemas berlebihan karena Hiperplasia simplek tergolong ringan dan takkan berakhir dengan keganasan sehingga penderita tetap masih bisa hamil.
  • Kistik. Seperti halnya simplek, kasus ini tak berbahaya.
  • Atipik. Kondisi yang satu ini mesti diwaspadai. Atipik cenderung merupakan cikal bakal kanker.
Pengobatan yang bisa ditempuh adalah:
  • Tindakan kuratase selain untuk menegakkan diagnosa sekaligus sebagai terapi untuk menghentikan perdarahan.
  • Terapi hormon untuk menyeimbangkan kadar hormon di dalam tubuh. Namun perlu diketahui kemungkinan efek samping yang bisa terjadi, di antaranya mual, muntah, pusing, dan lainnya. Rata-rata setelah menjalani terapi hormonal sekitar 3-4 bulan, gangguan penebalan dinding rahim sudah bisa diatasi. Jika pengobatan hormonal yang dijalani tak juga menghasilkan perbaikan, terapi akan dilanjutkan dengan obat lain. 
The doctor told me that this Hiperplasia Endometrium in me wasn't dangerous.  

Finger Cross ;) Bismillah ;)

Monday, 28 May 2012

A Year ago

One Year Ago today was a step ahead to our next big moments which is Engagement Days.

My Engagement Days was held on 28th May 2011.

I still remember how i felt on the that day.

A Week before the Engagement Days, everything was wrong in my eyes.

Every single thing was wrong in my eyes and to make it even worst : when i have a lunch at the office, i only eat half portion of my lunch ;)

The night before the Engagement Days, i barely can't sleep think about what would happen tomorrow.

The morning have been busy all day long prepare all the detail for the Engagement Days and when i see Him and the family come, i almost run to front door to welcome them. 

But unfortunately my aunty and uncle made me stay at the house and start threat to keep my blackberry the whole day.

The big moment finally come when Uncle Syaiful asks to me : 

Jadi gimana jawaban dari Andika atas Pinangan Abdul Rozak?

Dika : (maksud hati teriak bilang I DO) eh yang ada cuma ngangguk.

Lebih malu pas Om Syaiful bilang : seorang gadis itu diam adalah jawabannya. Kalo dia diam itu jawabannya. Nah ini andika mengangguk, berarti jawabannya SUPER SUPER IYA

Dan semua orang ketawa (refleks ngakak sama jawaban dika kayaknya) 
Ah the Engagement Days always bring good memory and energy ;)

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Good Bye Dear You ;)

After last night having #obrolanabsurdsamaabang.

We talk about the Miss Alien and end up with conclusion : just let it go and don't do anything ;) just watching from the distance ;)

Here some of my word about that :

How's can't I miss the good old days? Damn Surely I miss the good old days.

Us Together having fun and talk about everything & anything but it takes two to tango.

If someday you'll miss the good old days, you'll know how to find me ;)

If you want it, I am sure you'll find a way.

Just don't come up to me with some lame excuse ;) I don't need it ;)

Kinda tired with all that lame excuse you give ;) Its just not make sense anymore. Nothing make sure anymore.

If you want it, you can make it ;) Its all about intention ;)

But somehow I'll know the time come to let it go ;) and when the time is come, I'll make sure let it go and won't look back either ;)

If I amn't mistaken, your the one who keep saying please don't keep the distance, don't change. But you are the one who keep the distance and change ;)

Its take two for tango. ;) I'll let it go and won't look back for good. Good bye ;)

Take good care dear you ;) 

Monday, 14 May 2012

Forgiven but not forgotten

forgive but not forgotten yaps that's like a slogan in the movie but right now that's what happen in my life right now

Haven't see her after my big day and she is the last person on earth I would like to meet, just when I thought won't meet her, there she was. Friday 11 May 2012 I meet her after my weeding ;)

I don't know how and what should I respond with it.

She start to tell about her on going study and all I do just listen what she said without looking at her

I just can't help to pretend that everything is all right, not after what she done to me.

The last 10 month working for her was like working with the devil. Even the devil has its own mercy for others.

After short conversation (that's definitely not a conversation but listening all her story), I had a flashback from the past 10 month.

The night when relax after going all day long, I received a phone call and its from her.

She talks to my mother about her thought after talk to me on the afternoon.

She said : "Quoted from her : i want to talk with dika but I can't do that because of babo. I want to tell her just because we ended our professional but not personally. Forgive me"

Dear aunty I already forgive you but forget everything you've done to me its impossible ;)

Forgiven but not forgotten ;)