Saturday, 28 May 2011

A Step Ahead



Satu langkah menuju Hari Besar yang selama ini dinanti akhirnya tiba juga.

Jangan ditanya deh perasannya kayak apa?

Itu rasanya udah amburadul. Senang, Dag Dig Dug, Gelisah, Takut, Nervous,

Semua rasa bercampur jadi satu.

Nervous? Hah ya iyalah nervous beratzzz

Dari hari minggu itu mengalami gejala aneh. Aneh kenapa : tiap kali makan siang pasti ngga pernah abis, tapi masih lapar perutnya.

Meh ngaco berat deh perut

Dah gitu kayaknya ada aja yg bermasalah. Haduhhh

Sehari sebelum Hari H, itu bener-bener parahhhhh.

Ngga pernah ada yg beres di mata dika. Ada aja yang ngaco huaaaaaa

Malamnya ngga bisa tidur nyenyak berat mikirin gimana besok pagi.

Dari pagi ribet ngurusin perintilan ina itu, dan begitu liat Dia dan rombongan datang.

Ugh itu bawannya pengen langsung ngibrit ke pintu (huahahaha)

Dah diancam sana sini buat sandera  selama acara berlangsung

Dan begitu acara berlangsung, dengan susah payah nyimak apa aja yang diomongin.

Klimaksnya pas ditanya : Jadi gimana jawaban dari Andika atas Pinangan Abdul Rozak?

Dika : (maksud hati teriak bilang I DO) eh yang ada cuma ngangguk.

Lebih malu pas Om Syaiful bilang : seorang gadis itu diam adalah jawabannya. Kalo dia diam itu jawabannya. Nah ini andika mengangguk, berarti jawabannya SUPER SUPER IYA

Dan semua orang ketawa (refleks ngakak sama jawaban dika kayaknya)

Dan setelah acara selesai, ugh itu LEGAnya BERASA BANGET.

Its official now, soon going to be HUSBAND & WIFE


Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Friday, 20 May 2011

Next Step


Its official, now we are heading to the next big step

Agak sedikit takjub dengan semua proses yang saat ini berjalan

Semua perjuangan demi terjalannya semua proses yang sekarang berjalan

And it all pays off



Thursday, 19 May 2011



I am not super woman who can do everything in just a week

Its not that I am complain much but its IMPOSSIBLE to do everything they ask in just a WEEK

I am not focus? Hell no.

FOKUS bukan berarti bisa mengerjakan SEMUA dalam SEMINGGU


Emang bener kalo udah ngga nyaman itu harus segera CABUT

Ya Allah yang maha mendengar semua keluh kesah dika selama ini

Segala upaya telah dika keerahkan tetapi sampai saat ini semua seperti menembus tembok berlin

Dika bener-bener capek sama semua situasi yang sangat menguras energi dan mental.*meh berat amat yach*



Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Thursday, 5 May 2011

I Hate it

I Hate it so bad that makes me want to scream so loud in some place

I hate it so bad because never felt like this before

I hate it because this silence killing me

I hate it because all this time I try to compromise everything but when I ask you to compromise one single thing then you said all those hurt word

When people angry sometimes they said without thinking before

I hate it so much because realized you've said those word without knowing it hurt me deep inside

I know you've said those word because being trap into this whole situation

I felt that too and honestly I am desperately want to go to next step

Yesterday I still dream about our future, spending my whole life with someone I love (yes you) but now I don't know either I still want it

This whole thing make my world like hell

I am frustrate here too, can't you see that or you just don't want to see it

I never promise everything will run smooth but i can give my word that would never be any stupid request

All I ask to you, please be more compromise and flexible about this

Is it too much to ask

You said that you are tired and bla bla bla bla

But can't you imagine what's its like to be in my position.

In the other side was them who loved me dearly and I love them so much, yet the other side I have you (the man I love and i am willing spend the rest of my life with you)

I can't choose which side to stand and I won't choose

So I am gonna ask the same thing over and over again

Do you still have those dream about our future?

Do you still have the idea of spending the rest of your life with me?

Do you still have the same vision about our future?

If all the answer is yes, then by all means please be more flexible and more compromise

But if all the sudden, you feel it was too much then feel free to leave. I won't blame you for that

What your call? 

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Riweh Suriweh

Riweh Suriweh

Never thought would be this stubborn everyone will be. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Compromise is the key for everything but how come to find to solution if each individual insist their solution is the very best

The best thing we can do right now is share each other emotion with cool head but not discuss from gadget because so many message can't be delivered, so many wild emotion, so many miss understanding

Its not that i don't want every solution come in time but there's some rules we need to follow.

If we come to a new environment, we should adapt to the new environment not the environment adapt with us.

I am dying to go the next step for our journey but once we did that step, i bet there won't be another request

Why can't we just did that step and see whats happen next instead of worrying too much about something unsure

Why can't we compromise a little bit and downsize our ego

Everyone have their version about their best solution

Why can't we just think positive about their solution (i guess its harmless)

Come on we go to that step for continue the next level

Do we really have the same vision about our future? If we still have the same vision, so lets do this

But if our vision aren't the same anymore, well then adios amigo *weks*

Whats your call?