Thursday, 24 March 2011

Selintas Nulis

Lately there so many things surround in my head and i wrote them in tweet. Here some of my writing 

Give a good reason why we should stay together when everything look impossible for us to stay together
No matter what I've said that word, it won't change the freeze between us. So what next?

What's been done can't never be erase even time couldn't do that? So What happen next? Don't just stand there & keep silent

In case you don't know, this silence killing me slowly. Its hurt so bad. I'd rather be died than deal this silence

For what its worth, i won't do anything or go to unknown place. Some said it stupid for waiting impossible miracle. 
They might say anything but I won't give a damn about it. I know what my heart said because it mention your name. 

How naive to think that patience don't have it limits?. Already decide won't wait anymore and will go to some unknown place.

Why can't accept the fact that I've finally made up my mind? Why always tell negative stuff about the future. it won't happen

Somehow I believe it won't happen. God forbid if the worst happen, I'll leaving all behind  
What's wrong with us? Why can't living a normal situation like everyone else without questioning almost about everything :(   

Why treat others & judge them doing the same mistake like they used to have? That's not fair. I know they more than that :(   

Why can't they understand if they keep doing this, it will ruin the whole future and ruin my life into million pieces  

I said too much and I beg too much. I won't said anything ever again. Won't sit around and wait for miracle either. I am leaving for good

Too much understanding. Too much holding back emotion. Believe its only a matter of time, it will explode and destroy everything

There's a huge different between can't read the sign & ignore the sign. Its like denial the truth

If what we used to have are still there, why the hell get a sign that is over? How come? 


    Friday, 4 March 2011



    Don't mean to complain or anything but if i know it would be so damn hard and so damn tricky, i wouldn't take it on the first place

    I never ask it on the first place, they ask for me to join them for a couple time and this is what i get.

    I admit my performance might not be the best, well this is my first time work in educational field and i already told that i am not that good in accounting but still they ask me to join.

    Well then alright and i join them

    I admit that it took sometime for me to adapt in the new environment surround with new people.

    I am open with critics but i know when its time to defend myself for unreasonable criticism

    They say that i am withdraw myself (in term of not socialize)
    My term of socialize is hanging around, having some chit chat & some silly conversation but not at work hour

    If their term of socialize is hanging around, having some chit chat & some silly conversation at work hour, so damn sorry to tell that its not who i am.

    They say that i am not being empathy. 

    Definition empathy from Wikipedia is the capacity to recognize and, to some extent, share feelings (such as sadness or happiness) that are being experienced by another semi-sentient being. Someone may need to have a certain amount of empathy before they are able to feel compassion.

    Kalo dalam bahasa indonesianya : empati adalah (dari Bahasa Yunani εμπάθεια yang berarti "ketertarikan fisik") didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan seseorang untukmengenali, mempersepsi, dan merasakan perasaan orang lain. 

    Karena pikiran, kepercayaan, dan keinginan seseorang berhubungan dengan perasaannya, seseorang yang berempati akan mampu mengetahui pikiran dan mood orang 

    Empati sering dianggap sebagai semacam resonansi perasaan.  

    Di artikel lain yang dibaca,

    Sifat peduli kerap kali juga dikaitkan dengan sifat simpati atau empati, Secara singkat, sifat ini mengacu pada keadaan Seseorang yang merasa iba, prihatin, atau hampir merasakan apa yang dirasakan oleh orang lain. Rasanya tak ada yang salah dengan sifat ini. 

    Namun, banyak pula yang menganggap jika empati hanya cocok jika ditempatkan di kehidupan sosial atau saat manusia bersosialisasi,tapi tidak di lingkungan kerja. 

    Mereka menganggap, menunjukkan sifat empati di lingkungan kerja hanya akan membuat seseorang terlihat lemah dan perasaannya mudah berubah-ubah.

    Menurut Judith Orloff, Assistant Clinical Professor Of Psychiatry di UCLA sekaligus penulis buku Emotional Freedom: Liberate Your self from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life, empati memang memiliki dua sisi, baik dan buruk. 

    Namun,mereka yang memiliki rasa empati berlebih memang harus lebih waspada dengan sifatnya tersebut.

    Meski banyak memiliki nilai positif, seseorang yang penuh empati juga tak terhindar dari sifat negatif. Contohnya, mereka yang empati adalah orang yang emosional dan mereka kerap terpancing dengan emosi orang lain. 

    Hal ini bisa berbahaya jika saat ini dia sebagai atasan tidak bisa menjadi pemimpin berkepala dingin atau pemimpin yang bisa berpikir objektif dalam mengambil keputusan.

    Mereka yang penuh empati juga kerap mengalami keletihan jiwa. Pasalnya, mereka menampung banyak keluhan atau perasaan dan rekan-rekan kerjanya. Karena itu pula, mereka kerap membutuhkan keheningan untuk bisa bekerja. Mereka juga sulit untuk bekerja sama dengan orang lain. 

    Yang mereka butuhkan saat bekerja ialah ketenangan dari segala gangguan. Karena kerap menyendiri, orang lain mungkin menganggap mereka sebagai orang yang antisosial.

    Mereka juga bisa terkuras emosinya dengan kehadiran orang orang yang terlihat begitu membutuhkannya atau orahg yang senang berbicara dengannya. Orang-orang ini bisa membuat mereka yang penuh empati mengalami keletihan emosi dan jiwa.

    Jadi jika Anda adalah orang yang super sensitif atau penuh empati, bersyukurlah atas berkah tersebut. Namun,Anda juga harus berhati-hati dengan emosi Anda sendiri karena berhubungan dengan kesehatan psikis Anda.

    So the bottom line of the story is i don't know what i am supposed to do in here again.

    If everything that i do in here with my very best effort and they think that i am not capable for this position

    Well then i am speechless and really don't know what to do anymore.

    In the end, if they decide to downgrade my position and everything, before that happen i will leave and find a better place for the sake of my heart

    If they think i am weak because decided to leave everything and find a better place, well i don't care what they think

    They can think what they like,i really don't give a damn

    All i can think of is the sake of my heart. 

    That's all i care about