Monday, 23 November 2009

new places

new places offer new hope, new dream, new wish, new neighbor, new job desk, new target, new deadline...

Hopelessly stuck in some new old places with the same old routine duty...

That old routine duty are no longer impress me, my enthusiasm left before i realize, don't 
have the passion to complete the mission, really want the contract over soon (ASAP)..

But still i had to finish this main job so i can fly my wings to some new places for some new adventure....

Hopefully before the end of year, this whole main job finish (no more bored and stupiudud revisi again)

Bismillah :)

Good Bye

setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan....

Setiap perjumpaan cepat atau lambat akan menemui gerbang perpisahan...

perpisahan dalam segala bentuk sejatinya tak akan membawa rasa bahagia tetapi kehidupan harus terus berjalan ....

Perpisahan bukan alasan untuk menghabiskan waktu yang kita punya dengan bersedih...

Perpisahan tidak boleh dijadikan alasan keterpurukan semangat dalam menjalani hidup....

Perpisahan sejatinya akan melahirkan perjumpaan kembali di waktu yang akan datang tanpa bisa kita prediksi...

Yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah menjalani hidup sebaik mungkin seperti biasanya....

Perpisahan tak ubahnya bak dua sisi mata koin yang saling bertentangan...

Perpisahan bisa jadi membawa kebaikan bagi satu pihak atau bisa jadi kebaikan bagi kedua belah pihak...

No matter what the show must go on...

Farewell my dear friend...

Wish u all the very best...

i am very glad to be your partner for the last two semester...

you are more than a work partner, bestfriend, bul bul partner, partner in crime ...

wish u all the very very very best....

Keep up the good work friend...

Pssstttt : i need bul bul :p

Dedicated for mbah neng omesh :p

Friday, 20 November 2009

Bye Tutor

Gosh, all the sudden this tutor thing looks not interesting anymore...

Maybe this what people call stuck in the middle of the desert

I know that this tutor job no longer fun because every morning I wake up to face the day, there is no longer enthusiasm or passion to teach anymore…

Suddenly this tutor job make me feels tortured….

I don’t feel the excitement to make this tutor job….

All I want to do just to scream out loud because of small things when every got damn thing doesn’t work out as I plan

Gosh now I really really want this semester to end faster than ever…

Now I want to concentrate on my thesis and planning my own future..

Bye Tutor…

Thanks for being such a great job after almost NINE YEARS and this time has to be the last time…

I really need to have my own future…

Sadly to say because Tutor is not my passion anymore


pencerahan bisa didapatkan dari siapapun tanpa terkecuali....

Seperti yang kualami pada pagi ini.... 

Menjalani rutinitas pagi karena jadwal pagi hohohoho

Kemudian ketika terjadi percakapan singkat antara aku dan dosen LB...

Banyak pencerahan yang kudapatkan darinya pagi ini...

Salah satunya adalah : 

1.disaat masih muda alangkah baiknya mengejar cita-cita dan karier terlebih dahulu ketimbang memutuskan untuk mengajar (kecuali jika memang mengajar adalah panggilan jiwa dan tanpa paksaan)

2. Perbanyaklah ilmu selagi muda

3. Jangan terpaku disatu tempat jika kita bisa mengembangkan potensi yang maksimal di tempat lain maka kita harus berani mengambil keputusan tersebut demi masa depan cerah, gemilang....

Well thats it, pencerahan yang kudapatkan pagi ini...

Thanks pak....

I bet that you don't know today your wisdom word make me feel that this decision is the best for me...


Friday, 13 November 2009



never felt like this before...

Aneh, ajaib, indah, menyenangkan.....

jika harus dideskripsikan dengan kata kata sepertinya hanya unbelieveable journey....

Halah virus mellow mellow nampaknya betah sekali hadir dalam kehidupanku...

Feel nervous, virus ceroboh yg kumat terus, don't have the guts to look in the eye, mendadak sangat pendiam, hampir (selalu) habis topik pembicaraan, mendadak keringatan di ruang super dingin, jantung mendadak centil ingin meloncat keluar, feel the butterfly effects on my stomach, mendadak hawa panas di sekujur badan, never get bored spending time, waktu seakan cepat berlalu tak terasa, talking for hours seolah menjadi menu penutup hari, having a silly conversation simply make your day beautiful, share the voice of happiness, laughter, sadness, just see the picture could make u smile whole day long and so much more to be tell :)

Wow... Amazingly

Hope it will last......

Edunnnnnnnnn rasanya....


Ajibbbbbb :)

Monday, 9 November 2009

Happy life

Happy life? <- how to describe it on word for showing a thankful for having a happy and blissful life..

I already have my own happy and blessful life...

I have hundred best friends, family (mom, dad, bilul), Keluarga besar papa dan Mama, and HIM...

I had HIM in my colorful life and i could never ask for more..

I don't wanna mess anything and trade him for anyone or anything..

TIba-tiba teringat satu lagu : Sasha - Owner of my heart
Sasha - Owner of My Heart

If you think I've let you down 
Tried to fool you 
There's no need to 

If you think I've played around 
Why'd you worry 
You should know me 
I've been true right from the start

You're the owner of my heart

If you look straight in my eyes 
You will know 
I'm not pretending 
I don't hide, 
there's no disguise 

Why you doubt me, 
that's a strange thing
I've been true right from the start 

You're the owner of my heart

I can't stand by 
watching you walk away
Knowing you still belong with me
Close by my side 
You think I don't care 
But forever, I swear 

Ooh, my love has grown stronger
And that I can't hide

I've been true right from the start 

You're the owner of my heart


I've been true right from the start 

You're the owner of my heart

Oh, oh,
no one can tell me 
Cause I know for sure
When I'm not with you, 
baby I'm wasting my time 

I'll do anything that you want me to do 
Ooh, just call out my name 
Can't she give me a sign 
Give me a sign, oh, oh

If you just give me some time (some time) 
To convince you 
We can pull through (we can pull through) 

Let me see what's on your mind (on your mind) 
I won't change you,

I don't have to 

I've been true right from the start (oh. oh, oh) 

You're the owner of my heart 
I've been true right from the start 
You're the owner of my heart 
I've been true right from the start 
You're the owner of my heart 

Ya Allah tolong jauhkan segala sesuatu yang bisa merusak happy life...

I don't wanna screw anything or ruin everything what we had...

Please let me have my own happy life...


Back off will you?

Back off will you?

Just back off from my life for good

You are the one who told me it was impossible and i had to leave for my own good...

I had my own happy life and i don't want you or anyone came in and ruin everything in my life...

Can u just back off from my life..

I already leave and now i had my own happy life...

why don't you just except the fact its over between us?

I can't denied the fact that we become best friend from 2003 but right now i don't want to be your friend anymore..

Enough is enough

Please go and enjoy your life

Don't come in to my life again and ruin everything...

Just go

Back off


Rules are mean to be broken *terdengar seperti lirik lagu jadul*

Peraturan dibuat untuk membuat semua pihak yang terlibat didalamnya merasa nyaman agar tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman atau salah satu pihak menzalimi pihak lainnya *bahasanya agak berat*

Peraturan terkadang menjadi senjata mematikan bagi semua pihak.

Pembuat peraturan membuat aturan yang detail dan terperinci untuk kenyamanannya dan agak sedikit melupakan bahwa orang lain pun menginginkan hal yang sama

Sedangkan bagi orang lain yang harus menaati peraturan yang telah dibuat, terkadang ada saatnya dimana dia tak ingin mengikuti peraturan konyol tapi tak bisa berbuat apapun...

Sometimes we had our one silly rule for our life but somehow that rules only work for us because for other people, its just another stupid silly rule....

Stupid silly rule are mean to be broken? is it true?

Can we declare our stupid silly rule as our rule of life? 

The way we live our lifes are determine by our stupid silly rule & <--  makin ngaco kayaknya 

Bisakah our stupid silly rules dijalankan untuk orang lain?

-tulisan ngaco-

Sunday, 8 November 2009

zillion thanks

a zillion thanks might not enough to describe exactly what i am feeling right now...

All the happiness, the excitement, adventure we've been through

Maybe shouldn't mention about it since its too early to summarize everything...

i can handle everything because there something i can hold on to...

Thanks for always have faith on me....

Thanks for being a shoulder to cry on

Thanks for always be there for me...

Thanks for listen my story...

Thanks for everything...

Zillion thanks...
07.10.2009 - 07.11.2009