Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Good Bye...

Good bye....

Never though i am gonna said this through blog *hayahhhhhhhhhhh*sigh

I guess i really that naive cause thinking that this whole friendship would last forever. Since i never meet the person in real life, i guess the whole friendship would last forever. The whole friendship on internet stuff tumbuk 

i really don't understand what happen with the whole friendship thing between me and that person but i think that person already blacklist me from the list of friendship thing tumbuk

i don't know know since when i had other stuff for that person even though i never meet that person in real life.

today i see that person id online on ym and after not more than a minute that person log off *what was that* tumbuk

if you see me online on ym and you don't wanna talk with me, just pretend that we never knew each other *already used to that suck situation so better not to worry about me*

to someone i used to call kadal brunei... adios amigos

done writing encemtumbukpokpokbabai

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

kok beda?

something changed in this blog *damn right* blur 

gara2 baca judul blog ini : its my own damn life, ada yg komplain abis2an karena baca judul yang bikin sport jantung adus

duh padahal maksud dair its my own damn life <- segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam kehidupanku, kebahagiaan, kesedihan, amarah, kekecewaan yang datang silih berganti yang membuat kehidupanku sedikit lebih berwarna <-- thats the whole point why i named this blog : its my own damned life sigh

dan setelah berkonsultasi ke para pakarnya, ternyata mereka semua membenarkan komplain yang diajukan sighthey said the title could give a wrong perspective about me, people who never knew me in person when they read this blog and all the sudden they would have a diferrent prespective... 

oke then i'll change the title *for now its would be : welcome to shy girl blog atau cerita gadis pendiam *hihihi* malumalumalumalumalu
done writing encem

Saturday, 18 October 2008

plin plan deh

bukan mo ceritain tentang karakter orang plin plan....

beberapa hari yang lalu *bucet baku bener bahasa gw* adustertarik pengen ganti template blogspot gw, dan setelah berkonsultasi ke para pakarnya dan dah nemuin templatenya akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidak mengganti template sigh 

karena beberapa alasan : blogspotnya lgsg eror ndak bisa diganti templatenya *apa artinya daku ndak boleh ganti template yang lain yax* dan semua widget akan hilang tak bersisaaaaaaaaa gigitjarigigitjarigigitjarigigitjarigigitjarigigitjarigigitjari*padahal seh males bener2in widgetnya lagi hihihi*gelakgulinggelakgulinggelakgulinggelakgulinggelakguling

ah sudahlah.....

postingan ndak penting yax jelir trs knp juga mesti dibaca angkatkeninggelakgulinggelakgulinggelakgulinggelakguling

lebaran yang beda

lebaran kali ini bedaaaaaaaaaaaaa bangeddddddddddddd gilegilegilegile
entah ini cuma perasaan ka aja tapi lebaran kali ini bener-bener sepi sigh

mana papa gak pulang pas idul fitri sightrs mahluk-mahluk yang biasanya nongol ndak ada satupun yang menampakkan diri *bahkan smsku pun tak dibalas* sigh


minal aidzin wal faidzin semuaaaaaaaaa pelukpelukbabaibabaibabai