Sunday 16 November 2014

Unbearable pain

Really don't know how much time to hold on.  

Really don't know if its still there or it's already gone and wash away.

I've tried every kind of possible solution to these whole problem but it's seems nothing really works.

I don't know what should i done right now or whats shouldn't be done right now.

I just felt alone in dark with nobody else there with me.

Ya Allah Ya Rabb....

I really really really need my husband.

I really really really miss my husband a lot.

I feel powerless, hopeless, weak, fragile without him....

Ya Allah Ya Rabb.....

I know that Allah swt would never give ujian dan cobaan melebihi kemampuan umatNya....

I just don't know how much longer i could handle this unbearable pain and sorrow...

I know that I've done so many things in the past that might hurt him. I'll try the best that i could do to fix that....

Ya Allah i just want my husband back

Ya Allah please give us the best solution for all this mess...

I don't know how much longer i could handle unbearable pain...

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