Monday 28 May 2012

A Year ago

One Year Ago today was a step ahead to our next big moments which is Engagement Days.

My Engagement Days was held on 28th May 2011.

I still remember how i felt on the that day.

A Week before the Engagement Days, everything was wrong in my eyes.

Every single thing was wrong in my eyes and to make it even worst : when i have a lunch at the office, i only eat half portion of my lunch ;)

The night before the Engagement Days, i barely can't sleep think about what would happen tomorrow.

The morning have been busy all day long prepare all the detail for the Engagement Days and when i see Him and the family come, i almost run to front door to welcome them. 

But unfortunately my aunty and uncle made me stay at the house and start threat to keep my blackberry the whole day.

The big moment finally come when Uncle Syaiful asks to me : 

Jadi gimana jawaban dari Andika atas Pinangan Abdul Rozak?

Dika : (maksud hati teriak bilang I DO) eh yang ada cuma ngangguk.

Lebih malu pas Om Syaiful bilang : seorang gadis itu diam adalah jawabannya. Kalo dia diam itu jawabannya. Nah ini andika mengangguk, berarti jawabannya SUPER SUPER IYA

Dan semua orang ketawa (refleks ngakak sama jawaban dika kayaknya) 
Ah the Engagement Days always bring good memory and energy ;)

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