Tuesday 24 July 2007

it's over before its start

it's over before it's start

Hate to do this because i realized that my feeling for you its growing each day :(

But i had to do this for the sake of my mind and my hearts....

If i am being selfish i want to have you just for me but off course i couldn't do that....

so this is the last time i wrote this for u...


I got to over this before it's started.....

For someone i used to called Mr Jitak (Hope he read this)


  1. sabar aja... dia adalah kerikil yang disediakan Tuhan sebelum bertemu yang sebenarnya...
    * life must go on... jgn ngrugiin diri sndiri cm buat org yg ga peduli dg kebahagiaan kita, cm buat org yg hanya 'memanfaatkan' perasaan kita...
    hehe...*ngabur takut ditimpuk:P
