Monday 21 June 2010


Alone and lonely that what i feel right now.

I don't know how and why i felt this right now.

Its feels lonely inside even i could hide it with happy smile on my face but i just can't deny that i still feel lonely.

How stupid am i thinking that i have my best friend in all circumstance.

Hey dude, they have their own life so you better deal with it..

Stop complain and exaggerate about loneliness i feel inside, but i still feel it.

Hopefully this loneliness thought could gone for a while..

*i really really need to clear my mind in some place alone.

Just me, myself, and dika.*

Saturday 12 June 2010



what will across your mind when heard that? 

Not Unyil movie where there unyil, his buddy and pak ogah...

But this unyil is my favorite niece... Ponakan nomor satu uwo dika..

She's was born on 22 July 2009 and i haven't meet her until 12 May 2010..

I've meet her a month ago in my house..

She was so cute, tinny liitle girl, adorable, funny, loveable...

Even only for a month knowing her, i really really like her ...

She was my favorite niece..

Keponakan Favorit Uwo Dika

Even i've only spend time a month with her but that whole month was fantastic thing...

The whole month was so damn good...

Sebulan yang menyenangkan...

Bye unyil... See u again..